// May 2020
| Mundane, Weird | Peaceful, Chaotic | Romantic, Empty |
平淡古怪安详混乱浪漫空虚 有自由吗
The adjectives above are the core of this series. The sequence is organized based on the transitions of similar colors, metaphysical shapes, and relatable concepts in the adjacent photos. The interchange of cool and warm tones in the sequence help to bring out the seemingly peaceful yet creepy sides of the pictures.
This series contains my work from years ago and photos shot during the COVID-19 quarantine time as well as other photographers' works, which I have stated the photographer's name below his/her photo. Going back in time is always a god reflection of the current moment, or it's just a longing for freedom, to feel the breeze blow across my face once again.

Maggie Chou

Michael Longo

Wonyong Shin