// November 2019
Kodak Tri-X 400 Black & White Negative Film - 35mm
Printed on Ilford Multigrade IV RC
Inspired by Nobuyoshi Araki
Body is the only thing that is fully owned by each one of us. It is a container full of souvenirs from the past. Time left unique marks on our bodies: tattoos, scars, or even just the body shape.
I drew inspiration on what Nobuyoshi Araki said, each photograph is an “Ender” and he is “shooting pictures with a film stock named death.”
In this series of work, I see the owner of a body as a camera, and the body is film stock. Each one of those marks is a photograph documenting the moment when it happened, and a small grave cherishing the person before that specific point of time. I’m presenting a funeral of hidden marks and the words the owners said to describe the “scars”. These fractures of bodies are intimate, yet the owners of those bodies remain as strangers to the viewers.